Scope of Work of the Secretariat
Scope of work of the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities is stipulated in Article 37 of the Provincial Assembly Decision on the Provincial Administration (“Official Journal of the APV“, number: 37/14 and 54/14-second decision and 37/16, 29/17, 24/19, 66/20 and 38/21).
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities, in conformity with the law and the Statute, performs tasks of the provincial administration in the area of preschool, primary and secondary education, student accommodation, non-formal adult education and education of national minorities - national communities, pertaining to the preparation of acts for the Assembly or the Provincial Government which: regulate matters of provincial interest in the field of preschool, primary and secondary education; establish institutions for preschool, primary and secondary education in the territory of the AP of Vojvodina and exercise the founder’s rights thereof; regulate matters of provincial interest in the area of student accommodation; ascertain the manner and procedure for allocation of places in dormitories; more precisely regulate the matters of provincial interest in respect of the organised and institutional education outside the school system with a view to professional upgrading and training of adults in the territory of the AP of Vojvodina; more specifically regulate issues of provincial interest in ensuring the exercise of rights of persons belonging to national minorities - national communities to education in their native language at the level of preschool, primary and secondary education in the territory of the AP of Vojvodina.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities performs executive, professional and development tasks of the provincial government and monitors the implementation of regulations under Paragraph 1 of this Article. In areas within its scope, it monitors, supervises and assists the work of institutions founded by the AP of Vojvodina.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities, in the field of preschool, primary and secondary education: cooperates with the Ministry responsible for education in the process of establishing school administration; in agreement with the competent Minister it approves textbooks and teaching aids for specific subjects of interest to national minorities - national communities; in agreement with the competent Minister it adopts curricula in certain subjects of interest to national minorities - national communities and determines the conditions and methods of organising teaching in the languages of national minorities - national communities; it approves textbooks and teaching aids for languages of national minorities - national communities, it provides opinions in the process of adoption of curricula and adopts relevant curricula for the languages of national minorities - national communities.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities in the field of preschool, primary and secondary education and student accommodation, in conformity with the law, performs conferred tasks of the state administration which are conferred upon the AP of Vojvodina by the law.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities, in conformity with the Law and the Statute, performs tasks of the Provincial Administration pertaining to the preparation of acts for the Assembly or Provincial Government which: regulate organisation and work of the provincial administration; more specifically regulate the content and layout of the seal of the AP of Vojvodina authorities, local self-government units and holders of public powers, with their seat in the territory of the AP of Vojvodina; contribute to development of interculturalism, promotion of multiculturalism, tolerance and coexistence of national minorities - national communities living in the territory of the AP of Vojvodina; regulate the exercise of rights in the field of human rights and the rights of persons belonging to national minorities - national communities and establish their additional rights; provide funds for financing i.e. co-financing of: national minority councils, associations and organisations of national minorities - national communities, as well as promotion of the exercise of rights of persons belonging to national minorities - national communities in the territory of the AP of Vojvodina; regulate the use of the AP of Vojvodina name in associations’ names; regulate and implement examinations for the languages used in the work of authorities and organisations of the provincial administration. Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities also prepares acts whose preparation is not within the scope of other provincial administration authorities.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities performs executive, professional and development tasks of the provincial administration and supervises the implementation of regulations under Paragraph 5 of this Article.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities monitors the harmonisation of regulations and by-laws in the legal system in the process of their enactment and sees to their normative-technical and linguistic accuracy (proofreading).
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities is the publisher of the "Official Journal of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina" and ensures the publication of regulations and other acts of the Assembly, the Provincial Government, provincial authorities and other bodies and organizations.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities provides, in accordance with the needs of provincial and other authorities, translation and interpretation from the Serbian language into languages of national minorities - national communities and vice versa, as well as translation from world languages into the Serbian language and vice versa.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities monitors and analytically analyses the situation in the field of protection and exercise of human and minority rights and proposes measures to be undertaken in this field.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities in the fields of official use of language and script, bar examination, state qualifying exams, exams for court interpreters, expropriation and seals, in conformity with the law, performs conferred tasks of the state administration that are conferred upon the AP of Vojvodina by the law.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities prepares acts for the Assembly and the Provincial Government in the fields of its competences, if so authorized by a special regulation.
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities performs other tasks when they are conferred upon it by the law, the Provincial Assembly Decision or other regulation.